Camellia flowers make beautiful graceful dresses.In this photograph, I hung the flower in front of...
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The last surviving daffodil in the vase was removed and hung in front of a...
I gave my mother for her 90th birthday a hanging basket of fuchsias. Seeing them...
I was given a selection of freshly grown gerberas by our local growers Thornton Brothers...
As seen in a yellow sunflower. The addition of the stick figure detail shows the...
Placing a freshly picked Freesia in a narrow necked glass bottle, and placing this near...
Photographing a Gerbera in the sun was an interesting exercise. I learnt a lot about...
As seen in the detail and texture of a pink daffodil under sunlight.. NOTE: A...
As seen in the detail, colour and texture of a pink daffodil photographed under sunlight....